
Intense Pulsed Light Treatment

Lumecca ™ Pulsed Light helps reduce the appearance of age spots, sun damage, rosacea, and freckles.

$1500 FOR 3

The Intense Pulsed Light treatment combines the powerful effects of light therapy with the benefits of a photofacial, working to refine and even out your complexion. We utilize Lumecca ™ by Inmode—the most powerful Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)—to target pigment and vascular lesions while improving age spots, sun damage, rosacea, and freckles.

Immediately after treatment, redness and a slight warming sensation in the skin are normal and usually subside within an hour. Over the following one to two days, you may notice a darkening of pigmented spots. However, over the next couple of weeks, pigmented lesions will clear leading to an evening of the skin tone. After treating vascular lesions, some clients also see the vein blanch or a color change in the vessel. This typically dissipates after a few days.

While individual results may vary, and contraindications may apply, many clients see an improved skin appearance after the first session. Multiple treatments will provide even better results.

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Pre- & Post-Treatment Instructions